grab a bite : 뭘좀 먹자~
keep track of : ...에 주의를 기울일필요가있는
- you need to keep track of you expenses : 너의 지출에 신경쓸필요가있어
- I'll keep track of the score
- my calender helps me keep track of my life
ring a bell : 잊었을 만한 기억을 다시 떠오르게 하는것
- Now they ring a bell
- That name rings a bell, but i can't picture that face
- The title rings a bell
keep in shape : 보기좋은 형태를 유지하는(사람, 물건 둘다 사용가능)
- Make sure to keep in shape over the break
- We need to keep in better shape
- You keep that car in such good shape!
keep an eye on : 무언가를 지켜보는
- Can you keep an eye on my laptop?
- Can you keep an eye on the stove?
eat a horse : 배가 매우고픈